How The ZOO® Began.
The picture on the right is the original zoo I made for my daughter Trish in about 2003. It took us a while to develop it into the product it is today with many parents and kids around the world now enjoying tidy rooms and no more picking up wars!
We have always wanted The ZOO to be safe and durable too, and we think it’s success has proven this to be so.
Connecting Kids and Wildlife.
In 2014, I felt The ZOO should also serve a greater purpose, and that is to help create awareness about the plight of animals and their environment in the world our kids will inherit. So I set up a wildlife charity called Littlezookeepers Go Wild. This has now evolved into the Endangered Species Fund working with other international Organizations.
Elephant Orphanage Project Zambia 2015
Littlezookeepers Go Wild
Moving Production To China.
largely based on the fact that I’m now well passed retirement age, we decided to outsource production to China.
In reality, The ZOO® has always had major foreign components as the wood came from Russia and most of the hardware had significant foreign elements.
We have been using our Chinese company for several years to serve the UK Market and I have nothing but praise for their quality and service. Trish and I visited them in January 2017 and came away most impressed both with their sophisticated German equipment and with some new friends. Especially Jennifer, our Chinese contact who calls me Uncle John. And for those of you who don’t believe in Free Trade; their warehouse is stacked to the roof with materials imported from North America and New Zealand.